Lights, Camera, Shoot

This is my first ever book design. I created a book about photography to help beginner photographers learn the tips and tricks on how to take the perfect photograph.

I love taking photographs and wanted to create an informational book to help other aspiring photographers create amazing photographs. I also wanted to create a more photographic book rather than textual to make it more visually appealing.



This is my first magazine I created for an editorial class. We had to chose a topic and create a magazine about it. I decided to create a music themed one because I love music and wanted to give everyone a bit of history of music throughout the decades.

This specific volume is on the genre of “pop” music and if I was able to further work on this, I would add more volumes of different genres such as “rock,” “punk,” and “classical.”

All photos taken by Emma Caporale and are subject to copyright



This was a project that involved coming up with a make-up festival and creating a pamphlet for it in two different languages. I chose English and Italian because my first language is English and my background is Italian so I wanted to show my culture. I decided to make a poetry festival because I don’t really see a lot of them and I wanted to shed light on the art form.

The title comes from the poem by Robert Frost, Nothing Gold Can Stay, and was also featured in one of my favourite books and movies, The Outsiders, written by C.S. Lewis. The idea of having roman numerals as a texture in the background symbolizes time passing by as interpreted in the poem that nothing lasts forever and time is ticking away. The main colours are black and gold and the two languages are differentiated between the two colours; English in black and Italian in gold.

All photos taken by Emma Caporale and are subject to copyright